Letter to the The Visual Arts Jury. Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship. I am sending you all I have. I am sending it to each single member of the Jury in this personalized form, because my mission is to reach the heart and soul of human Beings, behind their Masks. (Mask is one of the meanings of the Latin word “persona”) I am a quantic Jumper, working with and for the Light. I had my first spiritual Crisis 12 years ago […]
I am very delighted and moved to announce that my project “LIGHT OF HUMANITY” was just selected to be realized in a Sculpture Park of the Chinese City Changcha, September/ October 2016. I want to thank all my Helpers on Earth and in Heaven. My proposal “Light of Humanity” for the Changsha International Sculpture Festival: It is a composition in white marble and the dominant symbol is the circle, which represents the divine as it contains everything else. The sculpture […]